Jesus Followers Are Still Commissioned by Him…

When Jesus told his disciples to “go”, it wasn’t a good idea or suggestion. It was more than that. It was both a command and a commission. Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19-20 his disciples leave their current locations and take this message of the Kingdom to the masses.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age

The activity of those sent was pretty straightforward: make disciples, baptize disciples, and pass along what Jesus had taught them. All of this was to be done knowing that Jesus Himself through the present ministry of the Holy Spirit would be with them. All of this is pretty daunting. It most definitely is not easy.

This is where v. 18 and the understanding of “commissioning” comes into play. Jesus says in v. 18:

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Do you see how Jesus says, “All authority…” Not a little. Not a meager sum. Not a decent amount. He has all authority. He gives this authority to those who are entrusted with this “Great Commission.” Let’s define the term “commission” to get the full weight of what Jesus is doing here. A commission is simply a matter or task entrusted to a person who acts as an agent of another. This means that the task has been authorized by someone with authority. In the above verse, Jesus authorized the apostles and his disciples to go into all the world and preach this message!

To commission with all authority is to authorize, appoint, charge, empower, and entrust with a specific mission. In this case, it is a Kingdom Mission. This was not just their commission. This is our commission.

This is a commission that the Church has been given; not society.
This commission is Apostolic and Prophetic in nature.
This commission must and will be fulfilled.
This commission requires the anointing and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

What gives me deep joy is to know that we have the same authority, the same Holy Spirit, the same teachings, and the same King who is still promising to be with us to the very end of the age. We are those who are sent in all boldness and authority of Jesus Himself. We have nothing to fear in our efforts of sharing this wonderful message of truth and love of the Father.

I pray today you are walking in and with that authority of the Holy Spirit. All of us have ministries we have been called to. Whether your ministry is in the church or outside of it, walk boldly knowing that the One who commissioned you has all authority over every enemy and challenge that will come your way as you seek to be obedient and faithful to the calling of Jesus upon your life.

Lord Jesus,
We ask that you commission your church once again. Deliver us from cynicism, trauma, and fear of Man. Walk us into the freedom of your Spirit so that we may discern rightly what you are calling us to do for your Kingdom. No matter where we find ourselves, I ask you to give us an insatiable hunger and thirst for your Holy Spirit.

In His name!
